Manakapua is a popular location for Land based Fishing, walking, swimming, and bird watching. Manukapua, also known as Big Sand Island, is found on the Western side of the Tapora peninsula and is home to an abundance of native birds and other species. Visitors can access the island via the track beginning on Okahukura Rd.
Manukapua and the neighboring Okahukura reserve hold spiritual, historical and cultural significance to Ngati Whatua. Kia Puawai ai nga taonga o Manukapua fostering the birds of Manukapua is a project and Kaupapa of the Tapora Land and Coast Care Group. Conservation is underway to eradicate pests in order to restore habitats of native vegetation and fauna. Visitors are welcome, however activities and use of these special places needs to be respectful so that manu can thrive and the spiritual and cultural values are protected.